Sunday, July 14, 2013

How I got an driving license in India and in Canada...

To share how I got an valid driving license in India:

I always had a fancy liking for driving cars. So when I reached the age of 18, I rushed to take the learners exam for my Indian driving license. I did manage to clear the learners and also be successful in my first attempt on the road test and hence was issued a valid Indian driving license.

The Indian vehicles are of Right Hand Drive and follows a Left Hand Traffic method. (something that Indian picked up from the British). There are plenty to symbols that one learns during the learners examination, but that's it. He/She stops using it the minute he gets an valid license.

During these 11 years that I had driven in India, I have hardly seen anyone following these symbols and rules. And the funny part is that people are so used to that they manages it so well and hardly would have met with an accident.

Sharing few videos on You Tube to show you what I mean. You will be scared and at the same time be amazed.
1. Crazy Road Traffic Mumbai

2. Crazy drivers - traffic - intersection - in India

Anyways coming to what I was writing:
I used to drive my "Hindustan Ambassador", Maruti 800, Maruti Wagon R in Kerala and occasionally my best friend Arjun's Skoda Octavia in Mumbai.

Overall I always have been more than a alright and average driver in India and have been fortunate not to have car accident till date.

To share how I got an valid driving license in Canada:
After arriving here in Regina, I was about to give an advice to my wife about her driving technique in general as she asked how her driving skills were. I noticed that she used to constantly turn her head back and see if there was a car on the side while changing lanes, taking an exit, merging on the highway etc.

Fortunately for me, I kept quiet and told her she was excellent. (Went by the saying then and turned out to be master stroke: A women may be misinformed, mislead, unclear, misguided, and even downright stupid..but she is never ever wrong.)

I was learning about Left Hand Drive & the Right Hand Traffic followed in Canada. I was seeing that people putting on a signal if they wanted to make a turn, lane change, being courteous to pedestrians and letting them pass, (wow - plenty of learning), learned one or two things more about defensive driving.

I learned about Blind Spots, downloaded the SGI - Saskatchewan Driver's Handbook and learned plenty of rules, symbols required for driving; something which I didn't really know.

We went to the local SGI location where I took up the test for my Class 7 - Learners License.
  1. Few paper work, show identity proof and 2 address proof.
  2. Log on the computer with the ID number provided by SGI and answer the objective type questions.
  3. Answer the questions and pass with the required number of correct answers. 
  4. Done.
  5. Tell the person at the counter and then leave.
FYI, You can get Saskatchewan Photo ID for $10 from SGI (even if you don't pass the learners exam).

Some links for Class 7 - Leaners in Saskatchwan, Canada:

Html Link:
PDF download:

Some links and sample questions for passing of this learners test:
Sample of Saskatchewan Drivers License
Since, I had a valid Indian License, it was not required for me to wait for a 9 months to take up a road test.

I am also allowed to drive in Canada for the first 90 days of arrival.

I went  for the road test on July 24th, 2013 and I did not pass. I lost the test by 4 points. I scored 14 demerit points.

I was keen to get the license whatsoever. I followed the drivers who was taking the test to get a hang of the route that they take before couple of days of my next test.

I practiced to keep it under the posted speed limit. Extra attention needs to be be given in a School Zone or playground zone. The speed limit needs to be below 40 km/hr.

Finally, I managed to get the Class 5 license on September 12th, 2013 after having only 2 demerit points. 

Hope my experience is useful to drivers...

Thursday, July 11, 2013

A new life, a new beginning... Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada...

A new life is what you would call it if you move to a new country without any background to the country, the people, the culture.

When my parents moved back to India from Abu-Dhabi when I was 12 years of age, there was plenty of background for me in India. I never felt that I was moving to some place new.

When I moved to Regina to be a part of North America, I have absolutely no clue what happening in this country. I left all the good things that I built in Mumbai  and in India where I had my family and friends. I left the job which I enjoyed the most. I left the place where I loved the most in Mumbai i.e. Powai and roommates. I sold off my first bike (my Hero Honda Passion Pro). It was terrible and depressing sight to watch when the new owner rode off with it before I migrated to Canada.

Now that I am here, after almost 2 months, I am taking a liking to this city; Regina - the land of Infinite Horizons. Small & peaceful place.

Regina in City Hall Exterior
City of Regina - I love Regina - City hall exterior in winter
I am in the process of learning the roads and the shortcuts. I have plenty of time to think, to write, to do things which gives me plenty of happiness.

I am meeting new people. Canadians in general are very polite and very helpful. Biggest sports team is Saskatchewan Roughriders of Canadian Football League (CFL). Hopefully, I will get to see a game soon and also become a great fan and follower for the game.

Hopefully, this new life is the beginning to the best part of my life.
